Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A nice walk

It takes a lot of water to hike 18 miles. At least I drank a lot hiking Zion's West Rim, and even then I still drowned myself in more water when I got to the base of the trail. We had so much fun getting all dusty and sweaty and then swimming in the river to wash it all off. If you know anything about the trail, it starts way up above Zion Park, then descends down through all of these different landscapes, all of which include little lizards that kept running across the path right in front of us. It is definitely up there as a top 5 hike, and I love any excuse to see my cousin Stephanie who came into town for the trip. Oh, how I will miss this all in New York City. 

Did you know that mountain money is slang for toilet paper? Or that GORP stands for Good Old Raisins and Peanuts (trail mix). 

1 comment:

  1. Aw! I love this! And I love you!! That was one of the best weekends ever. Zion is magical.
