Sunday, June 5, 2011

Capital "K"

Today was our last Sunday in the English Ward that has adopted us for this short time. The next few days will be a lot of lasts. You know, last metro ride on the green line, last time seeing the school crossing guards in the morning, last time smelling the pepper paste from the vendor down the street. It's funny how quickly something that is so different can become so familiar, and it is also funny how quickly we will forget so many things about here so soon after leaving. We are creatures of the present.

We still have a week, so maybe I am writing all of this prematurely, but today I was feeling especially  
섭섭하다 (glad to be leaving, sad to be leaving, but glad for the chance to have come). I have truly loved my time in Korea. Everyone has been so good to us. Everyone says that after they visit another, and I am not sure if that is because you really are treated better as a guest of another country, you recognize kindness more because it means more in a strange place, or if other cultures really are kinder than Americans, but I have definitely felt some kind of combination of those explanations in the last month and a half.

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