Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sustaining Haiti

I spent two hours researching ways to get funding and volunteers for Sustain Haiti, the group I went to Haiti with two summers ago, and it all feels kind of useless. Everyone is on social media, everyone has started a non-profit, and everyone has a cause to fight for. I suppose these are all good things, but when everything is so saturated, it makes it hard to feel like your efforts are worth anything.


But then I think of my Haitian friends, the ones that I would be ashamed to see again unless I knew that I had kept doing for them, remembering them. They're worth time and trouble, even it is seems slow going for me. But seriously, to any of you marketing/well-networked/charity-minded people out there, any bright ideas you have on good ways of boosting Sustain Haiti would be appreciated.

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