Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Vacation

Week one done after being gone for two weeks to Utah, and I am finally feeling back in routine. We had such a fabulous time seeing so many friends and family members while there. I don't know how we got so lucky as to have the kinds of relationships where we can show up after months away and jump right back in to being so close to the people we love.

We hiked the Narrows in Zion, went up to Sundance to explore the back side of Timpanogos, and spent time among the aspens at the Thorley cabin.  I'm realizing more and more that I don't miss the Utah/suburban lifestyle so much--I can get by with apartments and taxis, but I certainly miss the mountains. There is nothing like that feeling of open space and being above it all that you get when  in the mountains of the West.

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