Sunday, November 20, 2011

I've been thinking about thinking

You can interpret the title however you like, but the point is that I have been suffering from post education stress disorder.

You leave school. You stress about finding a job. You find a job. You become excited about money and no more papers. You ease into life as an adult. THEN you realize that the longer you are not in school, the dumber you become. You fear falling into the abyss of white collar workers, living in rush hour traffic and surviving off of Tupperware lunches. You worry that life will lose its edge because you are no longer forced to be intellectual and prolific as when education was the focus of every day.

I've talked to a lot of people that seem to feel the same way, but I am determined to not let myself fall victim to this way of thinking. Last week we attended a Korean reading put on by one of Dane's professors, I'm taking any and all book suggestions from people, and I have a new found desire to hone my french skills again. Even this blog--I haven't posted in ages because both our cameras are broken, and I couldn't think of anything worth posting without pictures. But I forget one of the reasons I started this blog--to write. My major was very writing intensive, and to think that I could lose that skill because I ultimately stop writing, minus Big Brainz emails and marketing blurbs, is unacceptable. So here is to staying smart.


  1. Ahhh, amen. I've been thinking about this lots lately too! You will have to keep me updated!

  2. Amen to that. And i thought up my response before steph so im not copying. Or maybe i am losing my intellectual creativity after so long of disuse.....
