Saturday, March 10, 2012

The only part of winter that doesn't fill me with despair

I like to think that I am one of those super adaptable people who can make it in whatever circumstances, but sometimes, I really hate winter. I've never even lived through a really bad one--you get off pretty easy in Colorado and Utah--but I get to the end of December and I'm already craving tennis and 1 layer of clothing and the feeling of sun soaking into my skin. But 2 weeks ago, we took a x-country skiing trip into Dane's family's cabin, and I decided that there is at least one reason for cold and snow.

There was a perfect contrast between the white hills and wild blue yonder, and we had it all to ourselves. We may have all gotten sunburns that peeled into a whole new face a few days later, and we may have broken two of the skis when we were hauling them on snowmobiles, but live and learn I guess. So for all you winter haters, I give a word of hope in these dark times, that skiing is fun, and spring is near, so give a cheer.

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